US Shipments
- Upon shipment of orders to addresses in the United States, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information.
- If you do not receive your confirmation email, please check your Junk Mail folder, or reach out to customer service via our contact page for assistance.
- We cannot provide tracking information for shipments being delivered to PO Boxes.
International Shipments
- One of the following carriers will deliver the package to your country and hand-off to your local postal service to initiate the import process:
- DHL https://webtrack.dhlecs.com/home
- UPS www.ups.com
- USPS https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input
- Shipments to most countries may continue to track with the carrier number provided, but details may be limited or not available during transit.
- Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.
Please note: Since shipping carriers do not keep tracking data after 120 days, we cannot refund or replace any orders for which non-receipt is not claimed within 30 days of the ship date.
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